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What is Collaborative Hiring?- Here’s What You Need To Know


It’s a regular day at work. Your team decides to start connecting with candidates who stand appropriate for your job role. After a whole day of sending out emails, you sit back and wait for the candidates to respond. 

Fast forward to today, recruiting has changed drastically. With every recruiting manager trying to hire the best candidates—there’s no room for waiting until candidates reciprocate! 

We’re living in a different time—where recruiting has taken over many areas. The recruiting process has changed for the better. Companies no more rely on the traditional recruiting strategies that used to take days or even months to hire a candidate. 

What has really changed the picture for recruiting is—collaborative hiring! The concept has become a popular alternative to age-old traditional practices. 

Not familiar with collaborative hiring? Here’s what it means—

Collaborative hiring is based on the simple fact that recruitment cannot be done in a vacuum. Breaking down the traditional hiring practices in order to adapt to the fast-moving & highly-competitive market scenario. This type of hiring has emerged because of the challenging work pressure that recruiters usually have.

Collaborative Hiring Explained

Collaborative hiring requires the involvement of other team members for interviewing, screening, decision-making, & others. Such a setup would mean working with various teams & agreeing to hire the ideal candidate. 

Even though the interview process is relatively longer—the whole process is more evaluative than ever before. With deeper communication with the candidates—the hiring teams score each candidate & take decisions accordingly. 

Such a process usually involves in-depth communications & more involvement of the hiring professionals. After a detailed analysis based on the feedback of interviews, specific candidates would be hired. 

Collaborative hiring is different from the other ways of hiring because candidates get to interact with more people than ever before. Unlike previous times, they can easily interact with hiring managers for any queries they may have during the interview process. 

The ultimate goal of collaborative hiring is to add more people to hire a more well-rounded set of candidates for the company. 

Why should you check out Collaborative Hiring?

Looking at the ever-changing landscape of hiring—each candidate wants to acquire well-defined and positive experiences from their interviews. A bigger responsibility lies in the hands of companies if they want to hire the best candidates for their roles.

Anchored on the idea of modern recruitment—collaborative hiring is the new age way of hiring talented candidates so that they showcase the best of their skills. It acts as an effective tool to streamline the hiring processes of the company—there’s more clarity with a strategy in hand. 

With collaborative hiring, organizations get a deeper understanding of the candidates and collect more information for further steps in future. 

Effective strategies and powerful decision-making tools make candidates more known to the company. Hiring becomes easier with the right candidates in the loop. 

Collaborative hiring help organizations meet high-quality candidate hiring possible. We can tell you a number of factors that have led to difficulties in finding the right candidate for every candidate—

  • The need to hire candidates with specific skill sets
  • Advanced expectations of the candidate from hiring
  • New hiring processes that involve modern tools & techniques

Let’s take a look at the benefits of collaborative hiring—

  • Reduced recruiter workload
  • Better candidate screening 
  • Candidate expectations better met
  • Unconscious bias avoided
  • Retention and better interview process

Who are the ones to be involved in collaborative hiring?

In order to carry out the ideal collaborative hiring, it’s important to have effective hiring teams. For each hiring, you’ll need to set up different hiring teams as the requirements of hiring candidates will be different. 

To make things more scalable, it’s essential to define the purpose of each hiring team at all times. 

You must be thinking, who all should be included in the hiring teams?

  • Hiring managers- They head the hiring team—coordinating every process & team members. Hiring managers define what the ideal candidate should look like—what skills they need to have. 
  • Recruiters-  Standing in between the hiring manager and applicants, recruiters have the role in implementing the hiring process in an effective manner. They’re in charge & ensure that the hiring is successful.
  • Interviews- This includes a supporting group of individuals—recruiter, hiring manager, senior managers, & more who would work with the candidate directly. Everyone works effectively to gather candidate information & hire!

How to effectively put together a collaborative hiring strategy?

As we put together the tips for this one, we would like to remind you that it’s not going to work for every scenario. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach! Many factors such as size of the company, role that’s being hired for, etc will determine the strategy—and it’ll be different every time.

However, keep these tips in mind while you’re putting together a collaborative hiring strategy—

  • Outline the purpose of the project—gives you a clear understanding of the actions
  • Create a structured & customized process—each plan can be modified as per the requirements
  • Set out guidelines for the hiring team—to ensure that each team member is on the same page
  • Create an engaging experience for candidates—leave a lasting impression on the candidates as they interact with each one of your team member
  • Prepare interview materials—this is for the team members or interviewers who’ll know the touchpoints along with others involved
  • Use collaborative hiring tools—opt for tools like NurtureBox and Recruitee to ensure that the hiring is seamless

Parting Words

Collaborative hiring is making the hiring process easier than ever before. It’s already here and is impacting the recruitment world in a major way!

Even though it’s a time-consuming process, it comes with a lot of benefits. If done in the right way, you’re sure to be highly successful in the hiring venture. If you haven’t already embraced collaborative hiring in your recruitment process, it’s time you do it now. 

Explain the benefits of collaborative hiring to your team members. Discuss what works for you & your team to proceed further with a better way of recruiting!

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